Saturday 4 August 2012

Android Apps- Batman The Dark Knight Rises

Become Batman and save Gotham City from the biggest threat it's ever faced.The epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy arrives on Android in the exclusive video game inspired by the movie. 
After being gone for eight years, Bruce Wayne gets back into action as Batman. Waiting for him are the mysterious Selina Kyle and Bane, a lethal adversary on a crusade to tear apart Batman's legacy.
Meet all of Batman's allies and regain your strength to protect Gotham City from Bane.
Become completely immersed in the story thanks to likenesses of all the movie's main characters like Catwoman, Lucius Fox and Commissioner Gordon.
Dozens of missions plus random events will make you feel all the thrills of being a superhero. Deal with hostage situations, bomb squads, jailbreaks and car chases to prove that you're the true protector of Gotham.
A thrilling fighting system that puts you right in the heart of the action thanks to many different moves and cinematic effects.
Collect items hidden within the city to unlock upgrades and new fighting skills for Batman.
Access Batman's complete arsenal and learn how to take full advantage of each tool. Use the Grapnel to cross the city or to defeat foes, throw the Batarang to knock out your enemies or to hit a distant button; the possibilities are infinite.  download here

Friday 3 August 2012

C&C Generals- GLA Strategies

Name Of Tactic: GLA technical rush.
I like to use this one when I have to play on big maps...
-que up 4 workers on commander center.
-send starting peasant to build supply stash.
-when the supply stash is done que 2 workers on supply stash have the fourth worker and the starting peasant to both build an arms dealer.
-Now GET YOUR TECH VETERAN TRAINING while these are building, also hot key them 1 and 2. Don't bother with a barracks you will have about 4k money left after the cost of the dealers..
-que 4 techs on each building.
-Now when the first techs come rolling out hot key them to 3 start sending
them on there way immediately.
-While your techs are going every time you hear a new one being built tap the E key to select all techs and hot key them to 3 again. Repeat this every time a new one is ready to go by the time you get there you should have the drop on them.

NOTES: Just remember techs are weak but a lot of them can take 2 or 3 gattlin tanks or a gattlin cannon so try to avoid direct attack... a good tactic is knocking out the supply trucks and getting the crates out of them techs with the rank and salvage are very awesome. If you see your techs might fail b4 they die those arms dealers you hot keyed build with them while harassing your enemy and set the rally just outside there base.. with some practice you will master this strat sometimes
it doesn't work.. but most of the time it does... 

Name Of Tactic: Mob Quad Squad
Since most USA peeps vs GLA get Paladin tanks right away, Scorpions are not very effective. This alternate method is very effective.

Start with your normal economy, and get 2 arms dealers and start cranking out quad cannons ONLY.. when you get adequate numbers of quads get your palace and start cranking out mobs (of course don't forget your mob upgrade). Build a lot...the trick is to make your attack count.. put Jarman in the attack force to help out against USA infantry and pick off one or 2 tanks.. Now this force (if you really haven't had heavy attacks yet) Will be very hard to stop if you built a lot. The enemy won't have pathfinders yet and the quads can deal with the air and the infantry, and get Jarman to take out those rocket soldiers. Make the attack count!!! That's the biggest part of the strategy.. I've taken out 30 tanks with 2 angry mobs.. That also includes a few tomahawks mixed with them...if they got pathfinders however, it's to late and the USA peep will kill your mobs. So do this strategy as fast as possible.

Name Of Tactic: Bare Essentials
This strategy is based upon its name, the bare essentials. It is mainly for GLA but can b applied to China as well. For GLA, this is the build order...

1. Queue a worker
2. Build supply stash with first worker
3. Build barracks with second worker.
4. Build two more workers at supply stash
5. Build arms dealer with first worker.
6. Start building some base defenses
7. When arms dealer is complete, upgrade to scorpian rockets.
8. Just build scorps and quads till you run out of money.
9. At some stage, build a radar van.
10. You have the bare essentials for attack and defense, anti-tank (scorps) anti-infantry and anti-air (Quads). They are extremely effective and dirt cheap. Later in the game, add buggies to your arsenal.

This can also be applied to China with battlemasters and gattling tanks, but is harder as things cost more.

C&C Generals- China Strategies

Name Of Tactic: Takedown Tank Rush
1- Build a 2nd dozer and queue a radar
2- 1st dozer build power plant
3- When 2nd dozer is done build a barrack at the front of ur base
4- When powerplant is done build a supply center.
5- Queue 2 rocket soldiers (if u have money queue a few more) when barracks is done and build a war factory
6- Purchase another supply truck when the supply center is done (and another one later, a total of 3), u can build a gattling gun for defense or just outside their base with cover from the 2 rocket soldiers (I'd save the money for more tanks)
7- At this step u should have finished your war fac, u can choose to pumpout a Dragon tank (use firestorm on the GLA supply lines, workers and buildings), a gattling tank (takedown the US Chinooks in 10 sec) or a battlemaster (try to takeout some of the Chinese supply trucks). Queue a Battlemaster and keep pumping rocket soldiers.
8- When ur first tank is done rush ur tank and rocket soldiers into their base. Try to avoid defences (often their defences are very weak at this point because they used the money to build another supply center) In each case u should have ur rocket soldiers nearby to distract befences and take out enemy tanks, get them away from anti-infantry weapons.
9- Target the power supply or the buildings that create units after the supply center is toast. there should be a constant stream of tanks from ur war fac.
depending on ur success in earlier rush build more tanks (generally Battlemasters for resistance and a Dragon tank to take out the buildings)
10- If he starts selling off his building he has another base nearby scout for it and take it down. If he doesn't you've won.

The destruction of their base should take no longer than 15 min if u do it right. China is the best team because it has anti-infantry/air/tank and anti-structures weapons at the start and their MIGs are so powerful.

C&C Generals- USA Strategies

Name Of Tactic: The PALADIN-HUMVEE-COMMANCHE Combination.
For some reason USA players do not see the real use of the paladin tank. Although its no match for the Overlord Tank, it's one of the best field units the US Army has in its arsenal. Paladins in squads can take out base defenses with minimum casualty using ts high tech laser that can shoot down incoming missiles. And the gattling cannon does have a hard time shredding a tank. With the composite armor upgrade together with the search and destroy plan. you can outmatch enemy armored units by range, armor and firepower. Dont waste your general point on a spy drone. you could always use the USA command center to spy on your enemy. Plus if you are building a superweapon better make sure that you have paladin support on your structure or builder cause its prone to air strikes.

Hit and Run anybody?! Humvees are fast and deadly. Load 4 missile defenders and a pathfinder and you have an infantry sniping, armor shredding and anti air vehicle at your disposal. The technique in using the humvee is its flexibility to take up any role. Use humvees in 3s or in 4s. Using the hit and fade tactic together with the tow missile upgrade and search and destroy battle plan i personally wiped out a tank division together with its infantry support. just dance out of range of the enemy and watch the missile defenders and pathfinder do their stuff. you could also take out a stinger site, tunnel network and bunker but dont try to take out a patriot battery or a gattling cannon. And when your humvees are targeted by air units... just head back to base or hide at the back of a squad of paladin tanks. The air units missiles will be useless or you can minimize the damage done to your units with paladin support.

If you are looking for extreme firepower... the futuristic commanche is the answer. With its rearmable rockets, a mounted gattling gun and speed. the only weakness is its made of paper. A gattling tank can take out 2 or 3 of these helicopters. Commanches can be destroyed easily by any anti air unit that's why you have to keep them in a safe distance when dealing with anti air units. Using the commanche's speed your ground units can have air cover at any place and at any time. Again you have to use the search and destroy battle plan and rocket pods upgrade in order to maximize the range and damage of this unit. You can use these units to throw a barrage of rockets on a massed enemy formation and it can be devastating. You could also use these tactic when you find your ground units outnumbered, you could retreat them and let the commanches pick them them one by one. And when your commanches are a target of enemy aircraft just hide behind a squad of paladin tanks.

With this combination you can take almost anything your opponents throw to you. You have to be cautious on your strategy and tactics. Be flexible and use your advantage. Don't turtle around when using this strategy cause one way or the other your opponents can really outnumber your army. Know the units and use their roles to outmatch your enemies. And don't let your humvees or commanches sit there without any paladin support. A fire storm can obliterate a squad of humvees and commanches. Use advantages and if there is a weakness fill that weakness with the appropriate units at your arsenal.